Species Index
This index is the heart of the Santa Cruz Mycoflora project - eventually we hope that this will be a comprehensive list of all the species of macrofungi in our area. Click on any genus name to see which of its species have been recorded in Santa Cruz County.
Choose a genus:
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "A":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "B":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "C":
- Coprinellus
- Coprinopsis
- Coprinus
- Cortinarius
- Cotylidia
- Craterellus
- Crepidotus
- Crucibulum
- Cryptoporus
- Cuphophyllus
- Cyathus
- Cystoderma
- Cystolepiota
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "D":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "E":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "F":
- Fistulina
- Flammulaster
- Flammulina
- Floccularia
- Fomitopsis
- Fuscoporia
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "G":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "H":
- Hebeloma
- Helminthosphaeria
- Helvella
- Hemimycena
- Hericium
- Heterotextus
- Hohenbuehelia
- Hydnangium
- Hydnellum
- Hydnum
- Hygrocybe
- Hygrophoropsis
- Hygrophorus
- Hymenoscyphus
- Hypholoma
- Hypocrea
- Hypomyces
- Hysterangium
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "I":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "J":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "K":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "L":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "M":
- Macowanites
- Macrocystidia
- Macrotyphula
- Marasmiellus
- Marasmius
- Melanoleuca
- Melanophyllum
- Meruliopsis
- Microglossum
- Micromphale
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "N":
- Naucoria
- Nectria
- Neohygrocybe
- Neolentinus
- Nidula
- Nolanea
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "O":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "P":
- Panaeolina
- Panaeolus
- Panellus
- Panus
- Parasola
- Paxillus
- Peniophora
- Perenniporia
- Peziza
- Phaeoclavulina
- Phaeocollybia
- Phaeolus
- Phaeomarasmius
- Phallus
- Phanerochaete
- Poria
- Porodaedalea
- Porpolomopsis
- Postia
- Pouzarella
- Psathyrella
- Pseudobaeospora
- Pseudoclitocybe
- Pseudohydnum
- Pseudoinonotus
- Psilocybe
- Puccinia
- Pulveroboletus
- Pyronema
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "Q":
None in this area currently...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "R":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "S":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "T":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "U":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "V":
- Vascellum
- Verpa
- Volvariella
- Volvopluteus
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "W":
None in this area currently...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "X":
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "Y":
None in this area currently...
List of mushroom genera that start with the letter "Z":
None in this area currently...